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June 20, 2019 — Annual General Meeting

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

Lorna Somers presents Lisa Gonnering the Lorna Somers Legacy Giving Award of Excellence

Our Chapter came together at the charming Staircase Theatre to celebrate a wonderful year, powerful philanthropy in our communities, and to award the very first recipient with our new Lorna Somers Legacy Giving Award of Excellence. Congratulations to Lisa Gonnering, Manager of Estate and Gift Planning at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation who received nominations for her dedication and ingenuity in the development and advancement of planned giving and donor relationships. Lisa has built up a strong network and fostered a sense community among fellow gift planners in the field.

Jessica Durka shared a powerful journey from cancer treatment to gift planning advocate. Jessica received life-saving care at Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre and has gone on to establish annual fundraising events and has arranged a gift in her Will to benefit cancer care for patients now and in the future.

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